Burn The Candle At Both Ends
Burn The Candle At Both Ends

I accomplished greatness this weekend!
I mean it was a true personal win for me, something my wife has worked to get me to change for years.
"Burn the candle at both ends" is my modus Apprendi for time management.
I generally power through a long of list of "get er done" Sat and Sun.
I don't slow down at all, ever. Not even when I'm sick.
But this weekend, while battling a cold, I accomplished everything by doing nothing.
I did absolutely nothing.
And while I was nothing it up like a champ...
My body was waging war. Far from doing nothing, it was powering through a cold.
The nothing I was getting done is extremely important for health.
Some people call it rest, but they are the emotionally evolved folks who just don't realize the world could end if they just take a sec for a breather.
The emotionally evolved people (the wise) have learned that life is better lived if you are just, better.
Better from your cold, better from your busted up emotions, better from your injury.
These wise ones have learned the value of rest.
I'm still transitioning to the world of the wise, many times I still find myself on common ground with the foolish.
But... the expense of foolishness is fast becoming more than I want to pay.
I had this cold two months ago and didn't slow down a bit. My body suppressed it after about two weeks.
But it couldn't kick it altogether. SUCK!!!
Now it's back.....
Yay for second chances! I get a do-over.....
Word to the wise, you have it right.
Give yourself permission to rest up when you need to, and you'll gain that time back later.
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
*Treatment By Appointment
*We respond to texts and voicemails over the weekend
Desert Hills Chiropractic
1700 North Butler Avenue
Farmington, NM 87401
(505) 634-9225