Farmington Chiropractor Talks About Overcoming Injury and Chronic Diseases
Farmington Chiropractor Talks About Overcoming Injury and Chronic Diseases

Have you noticed that some people seem to have the Midas touch?
What is up with these guys?! Everything they do seems to come easy. Life drops a roadblock in their way and they breeze past it like an Olympic athlete.
They seem to succeed at everything they do.
The other thing you may have noticed is that they don't work that hard for it.
They may not have the best character or qualifications.
How the heck are they accomplishing so much?
You may be watching all this from your side of the fence just thinking, "what the heck!"
Over the years of my practice at Desert Hills Chiropractic in Farmington, taking care of all sorts of people, I noticed this same kind of pattern with people's health.
There are people who seem to recover better than others, AND it has NOTHING to do with what they are DOING.....
There are other folks who are just plain DOING everything right.
How to Overcome Chronic Disease in Farmington
They eat paleo. They exercise. They are gluten-free, don't smoke, don't drink, don't eat dairy....
They shove handfuls of the most effective and powerful super supplements down every morning, followed by the purest most charged and rarest water from across the globe.
But they stay sick. Really really sick.
Some literally talk themselves out of recovery and success by making up ridiculous reasons why they "can't."
They can't because of reason 1, reason 2, and reason 3.
They are being held back from the success, in life and health, that they really deserve.
It's a belief. A MISSING belief.
And when it's missing, all the perfect DOING doesn't work.
If this belief is missing, we even tend to sabotage ourselves if success is on the horizon.
Here is the test:
Think of the thing, whether it's a health issue or a lifelong goal.
Think of the thing you just can't seem to reach.
Now ask yourself this question.
Do YOU believe you deserve it?
That is the limiting factor in so many hopes and dreams.
Do you really believe you deserve it?
If you do, you win. It's almost certain to come to you.
It works in health and life goals.
If you don't believe you deserve it, what you want will remain out of reach.
This belief is separate from thinking you are worthy. Worthiness and deserving are related but different.
If I give you a gift, I have made you deserving by my act of giving. If you don't believe you are deserving, you will reject or devalue the gift.
YOU have to work at believing you deserve the gift.
Not because you worked hard and did all the DOING of things.
But, because the gift is freely given.
When I believe that you deserve health and fitness, it is a gift I freely give.
Here are a couple of ways to flip the switch and believe you deserve it.
- Hang out with other people who really believe they deserve what you want to have. I bet they already have what you want, be it health and fitness or a fast car. Over time you will adopt their beliefs; you will follow there example. (makes you consider who you spend your time listening to...)
- Have someone in your life that believes in you so much that they believe you deserve to have what you want. Someone who actively believes in and supports you.
It's a battle of belief.
The DOING isn't always about what you DO. The vital part is actively working to believe you deserve what you want.
I cannot begin to tell you how many lives I have seen transform because I truly believe my patients deserve to be healthy and I WORK to get them to believe the same.
You do deserve health, you really do. Own it!
Call Desert Hills Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment with our Farmington chiropractor Kenneth Wingrove!
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
*Treatment By Appointment
*We respond to texts and voicemails over the weekend
Desert Hills Chiropractic
1700 North Butler Avenue
Farmington, NM 87401
(505) 634-9225