Farmington Chiropractor Talks Natural Treatments for Seasonal Allergies Part 2
Farmington Chiropractor Talks Natural Treatments for Seasonal Allergies Part 2

Allergies in Farmington are just going nuts right now!
There have been tons of headaches in the clinic.
People aren't sleeping well, they are agitated, and their face is sore.
They have itchy skin and eyes. Heck! Even my son has a puffy left eye, and his whole face is swollen after spending the day outside.
Why do you suffer from seasonal allergies!?!?!
Enter the MAST CELL....
This little guy is part of your immune system and is the reason histamine pours our into your system causing all those stinkin side effects.
Seasonal allergy symptoms go way beyond watery eyes and a stuffy nose.
You can suffer from difficulty sleeping, migraine headaches, itchy flaky skin, and sweat hives or heat rash.
Histamine intolerance also causes sensitivity to heat or heat intolerance.
That makes the whole summer tougher on you.
Less time to play in the sun and water, crappy sleep and higher anxiety are no fun.
BUT! There are natural ways to beat the allergens.
Sure... you could take anti-histamines or have those allergy shots.
But that only tries to deal with the histamine that is already out in your system.
Why not focus on keeping the histamine INSIDE the mast cell???? So it never has the chance to cause trouble in the first place????
Now that's a smarter path.
How to keep histamine out of your system in Farmington:
Vitamine C!!!!!
Vitamin C helps regulate mast cells and keeps them from erupting histamine at every flutter of wind or every cottonwood seed.
Omega 3 supplements!!!!
Omega 3 oils are hands down a powerhouse in the anti-inflammatory world.
I devoted an entire chapter to them in my book The Autoimmune Breakthrough.
Lastly and crazy awesome.....
Natual D-Hist!!!!
By Ortho Molecular Products that combines a smash hit of mast cell support.
Really, these guys know their stuff.
It comes as the adult dose in caps, AND as a child's chewable.
If your toddlers are like my toddlers that means the world to ya.
Punch seasonal allergies in the face!! BEFORE they punch you in yours....
Call Desert Hills Chiropractic in Farmington today to schedule an appointment!
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
*Treatment By Appointment
*We respond to texts and voicemails over the weekend
Desert Hills Chiropractic
1700 North Butler Avenue
Farmington, NM 87401
(505) 634-9225