Beating The Farmington Winter Cough in Children
Beating The Farmington Winter Cough in Children

I have two adorable toddlers and they are both coughing at night. It's pretty common for small children to develop an overnight cough when winter weather first hits.
It can keep them, and the family awake at night.
Cranky pants toddlers and parents don't need to be the morning routine.
You can get the rest you need, and so can the little ones.
Here is my go-to routine for dry Farmington winter weather:
Fire up the humidifier! I use an ultrasonic, cool misting, type. They are inexpensive and last several seasons.
The key to successful humidifier use is the water. It needs to be distilled or reverse osmosis filtered. Tap water will release all kinds of minerals and sterilizers into the air.
Tap water in your humidifier is worse for your lungs than a cough.
We also use a baby safe essential oil rub, very similar to good old Vicks Vapor Rub.
Ours is based on Eucalyptus oil rather than menthol.
That's it! Super easy and safe cough free nights and better sleep for the whole family.
Recommended Humidifiers:
Pro tip: Humidifiers with chimneys work the best.
Here for you 100%
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
8:00am - 6:00pm*
*Treatment By Appointment
*We respond to texts and voicemails over the weekend
Desert Hills Chiropractic
1700 North Butler Avenue
Farmington, NM 87401
(505) 634-9225